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Minicon welcomes Florida fans Joe Siclari and Edie Stern, our Fan guests of honor. Joe and Edie are active in the South Florida Science Fiction Society and help run Tropicon each winter. They were chair and programming division head, respectively, for Magicon, the 50th World Science Fiction Convention in 1992. They have a keen interest in all things science fictional -- especially fan history, small press publishing, and sf bookstores. And they're great people to have dinner with in any country!
Joe and Edie will be at Minicon with their son, Dan, who knows how to have fun at a convention -- he volunteers anywhere and everywhere help is needed. When he's not busy being a gopher or helping out in the art show, Dan likes to game. He's also grand dinner company.
Can you tell I enjoyed dining with Joe and Edie and Dan at the end of Worldcon? Fun as it was, we'll like having them at Minicon 31 even more!
P.S. Dinner was at Frogi's, a French restaurant in Glasgow, Scotland. Eclectic, just like Joe and Edie. Yummy, too.
-- Geri Sullivan
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or read about other guests:
Guest of Honor --
Suzette Haden Elgin
Memorial Artist Guest --
Ed Emshwiller (Emsh)
Audio Guest --
David Ossman