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Fans are doubly lucky in the art arena at Minicon 31 because in addition to the traditional art show, we'll be displaying a tremendous collection of the art of Ed Emshwiller, also known as EMSH. He is our Memorial Artist guest of honor.
Emsh was one of the top illustrators of science fiction during the 1950s and '60s. He was the primary cover artist for the ACE Double paperbacks which are now collectors' items. Mr. Emshwiller won 5 "Best Artist" Hugo awards during his lifetime.
Alex Eisenstein is pulling together a major showing of rarely-seen sf masterworks, probably exceeding in scope and quality any such exhibit of Emsh art previously mounted.
The exhibit will display a hundred or so of his finest original paintings for SF covers, and you'll recognize many legendary titles and authors.
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or read about other guests:
Guest of Honor --
Suzette Haden Elgin
Fan Guests -- Joe Siclari & Edie Stern
Audio Guest --
David Ossman