Committee and how to contact it
By e-mail
All addresses are
- Chair: chair@ (Joel Phillips)
- Dealers: dealers@ (Lisa Freitag)
- Gaming: gaming@ (Matt McMillan)
- Hotel: hotel@ (Keith Malgren)
- Parties parties@ (Matt Weiser)
- Pre-registration: registration@ (Clay Harris)
- Programming: programming@ (Emily Stewart, head; Eric Heideman, Sharon Kahn, Betsy Lundsten, Lisa S, Kelly Strait)
- Volunteering: volunteers@ (Matt Strait)
- Webmaster: webmaster@ (Richard Mueller, Matt Strait)
- E-mail request@ for all inquiries that don't fall under the above categories. Here's
the rest of the commitee (at least those in charge of specific things):
- Art Show and t-shirt sales: Pete Laughlin (head), Richard Mueller
- At-con registration: Carol Kennedy and Matt Strait
- Badges: Bill Christ
- Bar: Diane Lacey (head), Aaron Vander Giessen (subhead)
- Bozo Bus Tribune: Thorin Tatge
- Consuite: Hershey Lima and Stacey Lam (heads), Kevin Austin (subhead)
- Costuming: Erica Stark (head), Bonnie Somdahl (consulting)
- Guest Liaison: Anton Petersen
- Kids' Programming: Bonnie Somdahl (head), Marian Turner (subhead)
- Logo design: Laramie Sasseville
- Medallion Hunt: Thorin Tatge
- Moving truck: Joel Phillips
- Music: Becca and Graham Leathers
- Opening and closing ceremonies: Baron Dave Romm
- Photography: David Dyer-Bennet and Geof Stone
- Progress Report electronic distribution: David Dyer-Bennet
- Publications: Laramie Sasseville (head), Rachel Kronick (pocket program)
- Science Room: Ben Huset
- Treasurer: Andra St. Arnauld
- Video Room: Michael Kingsley
By LiveJournal
There is a LiveJournal community for Minicon (comments and conversation before, during, and after the convention) at, and there is also a mnstf LJ community.
By snail mail
Minicon 47PO Box 8297
Lake Street Station
Minneapolis, MN 55408-0297