What is the lifeblood of the fannish community? Who makes the convention possible? Volunteers.
Are you willing to lend a hand, either before, during or after the convention? We have tasks that range from "please carry this" to learning how to run whole departments. Let us know by e-mailing volunteers@minicon47.mnstf.org. You can also attend any concom meeting unannounced. Notice of these meetings is given in the Einblatt, on the events mailing list, our LiveJournal community, and our Facebook page.
At the convention now and would like to help out? Look for the volunteer coordinator, Matt Strait. He will be either wandering about or at the registration desk. If he's not immediately findable, Carol at the registration desk can call him or give you his number. Or, you should feel totally free to go directly to departments and ask if they need help. We don't need to know exactly what's going on as long as everyone's happy.
More About Minicon
Minicon is run by Mn-stf, a non-profit organization. Proceeds from Minicon go towards funding other club activities around the year, including "meetings" (parties) twice a month, a picnic, a pool party, and our relaxacon (currently known as Conjecture), as well as publishing the Einblatt, a science fiction newsletter.
Everyone who works on Minicon is a volunteer. None of us are paid for our time and all of us buy registrations just like any other member. This goes for everyone, including the chairs, concom, panelists, presenters, musicians, artists, and gamemasters. (The one exception is guests of honor.) If you've been to professional conferences that run in the hundreds of dollars, you'll appreciate how this policy helps us keep our cost down so that all fans can attend.