At-the-door Registration
Registration Pricing
Pre-registration for Minicon 47 has closed and the con is, in fact, over. The at-the-door rates were:
Adult registration: $60.00
Student (13-20) registration: $32.00
Kid (6-12) registration: $20.00
Child (0-5) registration: Free
One-day, Friday (Fri. 10am to Sat. 10am): $30.00
One-day, Sat. (Sat. 10am to Sun. 10am): $40.00
One-day, Sunday (Sun. 10am to closing): $25.00
Upgrade of Supporting registration to Attending: $40.00
Transfer of membership: no charge
Here's a printable registration form (for posterity; pre-registration is closed).
- Adult Attending Membership
- $40 until 31 July 2011
- $45 until 15 March 2012
- $60 at the door
- Student Attending Membership (13–20)
- $25 until 31 July 2011
- $30 until 15 March 2012
- $32 at the door
- Kid Attending Membership (6–12)
- Always $20
- Children 0–5
- Free; but online free = $0.01 for technical reasons
- Registration optional, but gets your child a pre-printed badge
- Supporting Membership
- $15
- Upgradable to full membership at the door for an additional $40
- Day Rates (no pre-registration, at the door only)
- Friday (Fri 10am–Sat 10am): $30
- Saturday (Sat 10am–Sun 10am): $40
- Sunday (Sun 10am–closing): $25
Pre-registration is closed, but you can still register at the door. See here for details.
Registration will be open Thursday night in the consuite, room 882, for pre-registered members only (note change of room from last year).
For pre-registered members or to buy a membership at the door, full registration hours are:
- Friday 10am–10pm
- Saturday 9:30am–8pm
- Sunday 9:30am–4pm
The registration desk will be on the first floor in the atrium of the hotel's north tower. (Facing the hotel main desk, go down the hall to your right until you see it.) Note that this is not where it was last year.
Memberships for Minicon 48 can be purchased any time the registration desk is open as well as at the Dead Dog party Sunday evening in the convention's bar (7th floor club lounge).
Registration FAQ
I'm a student, age 21 or older, do I get the student rate?
Sorry, I'm afraid we're just using "student" to mean an age range. (We considered calling it "youth", but didn't like that either.) Even if you are in school full-time, if you are 21 or over, you fall into our "adult" category.
What's a supporting membership, exactly?
Supporting memberships are inexpensive memberships that do not confer the right to attend the convention. They play three roles:
- They are a way of contributing a bit of cash to the convention because you like us and would like to see us succeed (thanks!). We will thank you by listing you on our members page (unless you ask us not to, of course).
- They are a way of hedging your bets if you're not sure whether you (or a friend) can make it. Supporting memberships can be converted to full attending memberships for an additional cost such that the total that you pay is greater than any full pre-reg rate, but less than the at-the-door rate.
- They keep you active on our mailing list. If you can't make it to Minicon for several years running but want to make sure you keep getting our progress reports, this is one way to accomplish that.
Are memberships transferable?
Yes! You can change the name on a membership by e-mailing registration@minicon47DOTmnstfDOTorg or when you arrive at the convention. There's no fee for transfers. So feel free to buy several even if you don't know which of your friends you're going to sell/give them to.
In order to get the right name on your badge, please send changes by the last pre-registration deadline (March 15). Don't e-mail registration in the week leading up to the convention; we will probably be too busy to respond. If you suddenly can't make it and need to transfer your membership at the last minute, please call the hotel during the convention (meaning, in this case, Thursday-Sunday) and ask to speak to Minicon registration or a Minicon chairperson.
What restrictions are there on badge names?
Please limit badge names to characters that can reasonably be expected to print correctly from a modern American computer with nothing special installed on it. This means that all ASCII characters are ok, things like Greek letters and mundane mathematical symbols are probably ok, arbitrary selections of Unicode are probably not, and Klingon is right out. (You can always leave it blank on your form and write on your badge with a marker!)
Obviously we reserve the right to not print anything we think is going to offend a large number of people, but we don't really expect this to come up.
Do I have to give you all that personal information (e-mail address, phone number, etc.)?
No, not really. We like to be able to contact you in case there is a question about your registration and so that we can send you convention progress reports and so forth. So it would be nice if you gave us either a postal or e-mail address. (Just a phone number will work for questions about your registration, but not progress reports.) However, all that we absolutely require for you to register is some sort of way of telling who you are when you show up to claim your badge. So if you give us no contact information, you at least need to give a name/badge name combination that is definitely unique. Blank registrations under "Mike Larson" are a bit risky, but blank registrations under "Mike Larson", badge name "Bleeknob the Undestroyable" are fairly safe.
What exactly do the age ranges mean?
They refer to how old you will be at the con. If your 6th/13th/21st birthday is during the con, you can take the lower rate. (For checking if you can drink, we will refer to your state-issued ID and not your membership type.)
Registered Members
- Britt C Aamodt
- Donald Aamodt
- Cezarija Abartis
- Jonathan H Adams
- Joseph E Agee
- Gary P. Agin
- Alfred Kenneth Akin
- Mary Jane Akin
- Bruce G Albrecht
- Claire S Alexander
- William Alexander
- Lynn C. Anderson
- Sahara Violet Anderson
- Cheryl A. Arko
- Carole L. Ashmore
- Kari Askeland
- Alexander Austin
- Kevin G. Austin
- Lisa G Bah
- Dana M Baird
- Raymond Gene Banks
- Benno Barthel
- Paul Barthel
- Claire Beaumier
- Terry Belcher
- Brad Bender
- Ruth Berman
- Mary L Bertelson
- Andrew A. Bertke
- Blues Bland
- Brianna Bowne
- David Bowne
- Kellen Bowne
- Stephanie Bowne
- Torin Bowne
- Kathleen L Brady
- Seth Breidbart
- Lev Bronshteyn
- Lois Spooner Bucklin
- Emma Bull
- Judy L Byers
- David S. Cargo
- Teresa Chandler
- Ted Chiang
- Albert Choy
- Bill Christ
- Ceridwen A Christensen
- David Christenson
- Steven M. Christenson
- Judie A.C. Cilcain
- Elizabeth Ann Clement
- Lisa Cohen
- Kieran Cooley
- Michael D Cooley
- Karen Cooper
- Jerry Wayne Corwin
- Benjamin D Cox
- Douglas Cox
- Susan Cox
- Ctein
- Kathleen Culhane
- Joshua K Culver
- Jay R Curry
- Corwin Miles Davidson
- Howard L. Davidson
- Christopher Davis
- Neysa N Deiman
- Anessa DeMers
- Mara DeMers
- Robert E. DeMers
- Alan J DeNiro
- Alessandra DeNiro
- Tobias DeNiro
- Norman N Dibble
- Mike Donnelly
- Leslie C Dubay
- Peer G. Dudda
- David Dyer-Bennet
- Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet
- Frank T Dyson
- Penny H. Ebbitts
- Kenny Edwards
- Beverly A Elmshauser
- Matt Eppelheimer
- Osce Erikson
- Andy S. Exley
- Nick L. Faller
- Louis W Fallert
- Elizabeth Fish
- Joseph M. Fishbein
- Kristin A Fogard
- Eric Watt Forste
- Michelle Robertu Frank
- Lisa C Freitag
- Beth Friedman
- Liza Furr
- Dean C Gahlon
- John M. Gamble
- Christopher J Garcia
- Terry A. Garey
- Rick Gellman
- Christopher Gerrib
- Steve Glennon
- JC Gliko
- Teresa Gliko
- Daniel S Goodman
- Mark Graff
- Matthew W Gress
- Martin D Grider
- Magenta Griffith
- Cory Haight-Nali
- Steven L Halter
- Douglas A Hamer
- Clayton H Harris
- William Riley Harrison, III
- Melissa J Hayes
- Meagan Hedin
- Eric M. Heideman
- Joshua I Hesse
- Andrew Hickmott
- Lewis Hotchkiss
- Stephen Hubbard
- Becky A Huset
- Delia Ihinger
- Fiona R Ihinger
- Peg Kerr Ihinger
- Robert F Ihinger, Jr.
- David A Innes
- Bob J Jackson
- Scott K Jamison
- Alexis Jenson
- Ralph D Jenson
- Greg L Johnson
- Jason E Johnston
- Ken Justiniano
- Rebecca S Justiniano
- Kathrine L Kacner
- Michael Kacner
- Peter E Kacner
- Sean Kacner
- Sharon E Kahn
- Michael T. Kauper
- Alfred B. Kaye
- Andy C Kedl
- Stephen V. Kempton
- Carol Ann Kennedy
- Gregory John Ketter
- William Ketter
- Beth Kinderman
- David D Kingsley
- Michael Allen Kingsley
- Rosemary Kosmatka
- Laurel A. Krahn
- Jana Kramer
- Laura A. Krentz
- Jan G. Kronholm
- John S. Kronholm
- Rachel Evelyn Kronick
- Ellen Rose Kuhfeld
- Diane Lacey
- Deneece Lacy
- Jennifer Ann Laddusaw
- Marnen E Laibow-Koser
- Stacey L Lam
- Beth L Langdon
- Greg T. Larsen
- Larry E Larson
- Richard A. Larson
- Peter Brant Laughlin
- Suzanne L Lavenz
- Becca Leathers
- Graham Leathers
- Hank Lederer
- Michael G Lee
- William J Leisner
- Tony Leitner
- Dennis James Leppla
- Sharon Marie Leppla
- Andrea M Lessinger
- Russell Letson
- Josh Leuze
- Ruth Lichtwardt
- Dennis Kieth Lien
- Hershey Angela Lima
- Marissa Kristine Lingen
- Kristin A Livdahl
- Scott J Lohman
- Michael S Louden
- Phillip Andrew Bennett Low
- Eileen L Lufkin
- Betsy Lundsten
- Laura Majerus
- Jason G Malgren
- Keith E. Malgren
- Kyle E Malgren
- Charles H Marx
- Elise A Matthesen
- Amy E McCumber
- Jenny McDermott
- Kevin L McIntyre
- John F McKana
- Matt McMillan
- Rene McMillan
- Jeanne M Mealy
- Michael Merriam
- Sherry L.M. Merriam
- Amanda K Meuwissen
- Amy Elizabeth Mills
- Andy Mills
- Jean Marie Mlynczak
- Roger Charles Mlynczak
- Richard Mueller
- Cathy Mullican
- Donald O Nelson
- Julia L Nelson
- Sean Nye
- Christine M O'Connor
- Gail O'Connor
- Kevin O'Connor
- Paul C O'Connor
- Peter O'Connor
- K. Cassandra O'Malley
- Peggy O'Neill
- Sherry L Oaks
- Shadia Ouma
- Matt Paulson
- Anton L Petersen
- Polly Jo Peterson
- Susan Philbrook
- Alec Phillips
- Beth C Phillips
- Jan M Phillips
- Joel D Phillips
- Jory M Phillips
- Rand Phillips
- Michael T Pins
- Tom Potter
- Joseph S Pregracke
- Christopher Rafuse
- Rakhi Rajpal
- Irene M. Raun
- Scott D. Raun
- Maerin Renee
- Lynne Renz
- Neil Rest
- John Calvin Rezmerski
- George Richard
- Sarah M Richard
- Mark E Richards
- Paul F Richards
- Scott Richards
- Joelle E. Riley
- William Martin Rintz
- Joanna J Robson
- Edward E. Rom
- David E Romm
- Ethel Grodzins Romm
- Lisa G Sanders
- Laramie K. Sasseville
- Pat Scaramuzza
- Martin Schafer
- Jeff Schalles
- Len Schmid
- Taya L Schmid
- Bruce Schneier
- Robert W Schug
- Joyce K Scrivner
- Ronald Searby
- Diane M. Severson
- Joselyn Shackelford
- Will Shetterly
- Doug Shewfelt
- Scott Edward Shjefte
- Nathan J Skerbinc
- Amanda C Slavik
- Bradley S Slavik
- Rhiannon Slavik
- Sybil Marie Smith
- Bonnie G Somdahl
- Chas G. Somdahl
- Alison Rose Sommer
- Danielle Ann Sommer
- Ethan Sommer
- Kaylee Rose Sommer
- Cally Soukup
- Andra J. St. Arnauld
- Sam Paul Stanfield
- John L Stanley
- Erica J Stark
- Jerry Stearns
- David Steffen
- Robert W. Steiner, Sr
- Patric E Stene
- Diane R. Stewart
- Emily Stewart
- Jon L Stopa
- Kelly ET Strait
- Matthew Levy Strait
- Rebecca Judith Strait
- Geri F Sullivan
- Martin Summerton
- Florence C Taitel
- Susie Taitel
- Colleen Taitel-Grider
- Marguerita Monica Tajibnapis
- Jack Targonski
- Richard O Tatge
- Thorin N Tatge
- Patricia A Taylor
- Mark David Tersteeg
- Dennis Timm
- Claire M Todd
- Sean W Todd
- Kenneth James Trobec
- Jason M Tucker
- Marian R. Turner
- Aaron M. Vander Giessen
- Joan Marie Verba
- Dean J. Wagner
- Amber E Wanek
- Elyssa K. Wanek
- Douglas D Weaver
- Susan Weiner
- Matthew P Weiser
- Brian F. Westley
- Jennifer White
- David A Wilford
- Kate Wolfe-Jenson
- Nikita Woltersen
- Brianna Spacekat Wu
- Frank Wu
- Bruce Yoder
- Julie Yoder
- Jane Yolen
- Bill Young
- Jim Young
- Patricia E Zetelumen
- Annie Ziemer