Minicon 35 Details and Directions
Registration | Hotel | Childcare | Running Minicon 35


Adult registration costs $30 through November 15. We have a PDF version of the registration form that went out in PR 1 and will have a more easily printed html one up soon. For those who can't read the PDF, here's a text version as well. /more information about registration

Hotel: The Hilton Minneapolis & Towers

Minicon 35 is returning to the downtown Hilton Minneapolis & Towers. Our program rooms, the Art Show, and the Hucksters' Room are centrally located around a large foyer with ample space (including gaming and comfy chairs) to hang out and talk while watching for friends. We'll also have smoking and non-smoking consuite space.

To reserve a sleeping room, please contact the Hilton directly at 612-376-1000 and ask for the Minicon rate (you can also use the Hilton International toll-free reservations number, 800-445-8667). We have about half the hotel in our room block. Rates are the same as last year: $72 per night (+12% tax) for 1-4 people in a standard guest room.

Minicon will manage the allocation of all suites, including both party suites and quiet suites. Please send suite requests to us at or the Minicon PO box, by November 30, 1999.

The Hilton Minneapolis & Towers is located at 1001 Marquette Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55403-2440. The hotel takes up the block between Marquette and Second Avenues, and 10th and 11th Streets in downtown Minneapolis. Detailed directions were written last year. We would add that if you take the bus to Minneapolis, when you exit the Greyhound terminal, you will be on 11th Street. Simply follow 11th Street into downtown for five blocks, and you will see the Hilton.

Parking information will be posted closer to the convention time. Do note that, though the parking under the hotel is expensive, you can get one rate for the weekend with in-and-out privileges.

Pet Policy
As has been our tradition, Minicon has no pet policy but urges our members to abide by the hotel policy. As we understand it, that policy is "No pets over 40 pounds, must be in a cage when you're not in the room." Please contact the hotel regarding your particular pets before bringing them to the convention.


There will be childcare at Minicon 35.

Running Minicon 35

Minicon is a completely volunteer-run convention. As such, we are always happy to hear from people interested in helping out. Please fill out a volunteer form if you want to help. Contact us at for more specific information.

If you are in the Minneapolis area and interested in being involved, do attend one of our meetings to discuss it with us.


Registration | Hotel | Childcare | Running Minicon 35

<= Minicon 35 Highlights Registration =>

[Minn-StF] [Minicon] [Minicon 35]
Minicon: PO Box 8297 Lake Street Station Minneapolis, MN 55408

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Last Updated: October 11, 1999