Before the Convention

There are several things that might be good to know about before the convention.  Here are three that I'd like to highlight.

1) DINNERS: Don't want to leave the Con to get meals? Some of our members have graciously offered to arrange dinners to be brought to the hotel on Friday (pizza) and Saturday (Indian food). If you are interested in participating, click on the "Food" tab to the left/above for more information.

2) SONGWRITING CONTEST: Want to challenge your musical creativity? Friday at ~ 8:30 we are having a "The War for the Oaks Songwriting Contest."  Click on "Schedule" to the left/above for more info.   

3) ITEMS TO BRING: While reading through the schedule I made a quick list of items you might want to bring (be sure to look through the schedule for more info and to let me know what I forgot to include below! *grin*) 

* A dessert to share at the reception on Friday night

* Fannish flea market items to sell/trade/give away

* Your craft projects and craft materials to share or give away

* Cash for the optional meals

* or your walking shoes if you want to leave the hotel for a meal. The Mall of America has lots of options and is just about a 2 block walk away. (you can see it from the south side of the hotel) 

* Everything you need to filk

* Everything you need to game

* Your copy of “War for the Oaks” 

* Your copy of "The Reader: War for the Oaks" 

* A copy of the "War for The Oaks" screenplay which can be purchased from

* Bring your camera, water bottle, hat, sunglasses, walking stick, walking shoes, sunscreen, umbrella, etc.

* Your swimsuit

* Programming ideas for Minicon

* Please consider bringing your own bottle/mug/cup for water, coffee, tea, etc. to help reduce the amount of waste this con produces. Every little bit helps!  Thanks!

Any questions? Let me know. :)
