Minicon 29
Minicon 29 was held 1–3 April 1994 at the Radisson Hotel South and Wyndham Garden Hotel (Bloomington). Guests of honor were Tom Doherty (publisher), Jack Williamson (author), Rusty Hevelin (fan), and Phil Foglio (artist). The membership was about 3300. Charles E. Piehl chaired it.
Minicon 29 was held primarily in the Radisson South (afterwards known as a Sheraton, then a DoubleTree and called by fans the "RadishTree"). The program book title page says that it was also in the Wyndham Garden Hotel, and because of this, presumably, our table of all Minicons listed those two. (I think this because it was copied from the Minicon 28 program book.) Page 14, however, lets on that L'Hotel Sofitel was a second overflow hotel. Indeed, no official events are listed except at the Radisson South, so I see no reason not to list both overflow hotels equally.
Masquerade Video
Here's a video of the Minicon 29 Masquerade: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5. It was filmed by Jon Hyers. This video was lost until Jon contacted us in 2009 to ask if we wanted the master. He sent it to us along with a DVD he made of it. These files are a rip of that DVD. The master is a 3/4" U-matic tape with the label "Masquerade 1994 (1)".
NOTE: In ripping the above files from the DVD, there were some read errors. Playback may be choppy around the end of the third file, for instance. However, all or nearly all of the video is there. (We recommend trying VLC to play them if you have trouble.)
You can also download all of the files needed to make a copy of the DVD. (The VOB files in there are identical to the MPEG files above.)

Program Book

Here is a PDF of the Minicon 29 program book (16 MB).
Toggle display of more details
Scans are available here in two qualities and file sizes. The first column has the raw scans. Most people want the second column, in which the files have been substantially cleaned up to remove the grain of the paper, bleed through from adjacent pages, etc. The PDF above was made from the second column.
Except as noted below, the parts of the
Minicon 29 Program Book
made available here are by
the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Kaja Foglio, Ken Fletcher, or Jeff Schalles and are
are licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States
Art by Phil Foglio is © Phil Foglio and is reproduced here by permission. Art by James Kuehl is © James Kuehl and is reproduced here by permission. Art by Taral is © Taral Wayne and is reproduced here by permission. Art credited to Michael Matheny should be credited to Tom Grewe (artwork) and Michael Matheny (graphic design), is © them, and is reproduced here by permission. Art by Beth Hansen is © Beth Hansen-Buth and is reproduced here by permission (note that it has been reduced to 72 dpi at the request of the copyright holder). Art by Alan White is freely useable for non-commercial purposes with credit given. Art and/or photos by Denise Boie, Cathy Buburuz, Steve Fooiland, Jay Gutzman, Kurt Vonn Gutzman, James Garrison, Marge B Simon, and M Christine Valada are © each of them. Advertisements remain property of the advertisers.
Registration confirmation postcard

Here is the registration confirmation postcard:

Here's a video including images of some of the button badges used in this Minicon era. These are mostly department or job badges, not general membership badges, although a Minicon 22 membership badge is in there.
Front and back, respectively:

It was also available in black, at least. The image on the back is from the flyer for Minicon 1.
And here's pictures of the volunteer shirt, front and back, respectively:

Minicon 29 is the first Minicon that could reasonably have had a web site, since CERN made the web free technology a full year ahead of time and it was starting to become popular by 1994. However, the Minicon 30 program book strongly implies that Minicon 30 was the first to have a web site. In any case, if Minicon 29 did, we have lost the archives.