For the latest on Minicon 44, including reports from the convention, please check out the Minicon Livejournal and you might also want to follow Minicon on Twitter
Here is the pocket program, which includes the schedule of panels and much more.
The Film and Music pages have schedules on them for the Film Room and for Concerts. Gaming page has a barebones gaming schedule.
Our room block deadline was March 19. However, the hotel has extended it to April 5. (They say in the current economy essentially no group is filling their block on time.) We are hoping that there are no glitches associated with this extension, but in the past their software has sometimes reported the block full/closed even though the humans at the hotel know that it isn't. Please e-mail request@minicon44.mnstf.org if you are told this. If you make a reservation at a higher rate or outside our block, we can fix that.
Here is our hotel page with links and directions
Minicon Week Schedule
Wednesday Night Work Party
On the Wednesday before the con, April 8, starting at 7pm we will have a work party at Carol Kennedy's house, 3328 Colfax Ave S, Minneapolis. We'll make signs, stuff registration envelopes, fold table tents and/or do whatever else needs doing.
Thursday Hotel Move-in
We will need volunteers to help load our truck from our storage locker and unload it into the hotel. We will meet at Dreamhaven (2301 East 38th Street, Minneapolis) at 4pm to load the art show panels. From there we will go to our storage locker (4325 Hiawatha, enter through the front office), arriving at around 5pm. We will probably arrive at the hotel around 7pm.
Thursday Night
If you're pre-registered, you can pick up your badge and program book Thursday night in the consuite/bar area. Formally, the con doesn't start until Friday and we will still be setting up. However, the bar will be open for volunteers. We will be setting up the artshow, consuite and bar, and doing whatever else needs doing.
(Most of Minicon occurs here. Volunteer!)
Dead Dog Party
The last official event of Minicon is the Dead Dog Party, held in the bar on Sunday Night. This year we happened to land Minicon on the 48th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's historic first manned space flight and so the Dead Dog Party will host Yuri's Night in addition to the regular festivities. (Please note that you do need a Minicon membership to attend our Yuri's Night. Sunday memberships are $20, but we encourage you to pre-register and come for the whole weekend.)
Hotel Move-out
We will also need help loading and unloading the truck Monday morning after the convention. This is usually a very difficult time to get volunteers, so if you can help us during this time, it would be highly appreciated!
Dessicated Dodo Party
Monday night after Minicon (April 13) Dean Gahlon and Laura Krentz will host the Dessicated Dodo Party. This is a work-free party; it's just our traditional way of keeping the con going a bit longer than it has any right to. (Oh, and it helps finish off any extra food from the consuite.) It's at 4323 France Ave, Minneapolis starting at 7pm.
Devonian Ductina Party
The Saturday after Minicon (April 18) Matt and Kelly Strait will host the Minicon 44 Post-mortem at 2pm followed by the Devonian Ductina Party starting at 5ish (i.e. whenever we finish post-morteming) and going until we drop. 1631 Selby Ave #1, Saint Paul.
This whole shebang also counts as a mnstf meeting. MnSTF is the club that runs Minicon. Its meetings occur (generally) on first and third Saturdays and, despite the name, are mostly parties.