Minicon 7
Minicon 7 was held 20–22 April 1973 at the Hyatt Lodge (Minneapolis). It was chaired by Blue Petal and Louie Spooner and had a membership of about 220. Guests of honor were Larry Niven (pro) and Rusty Hevelin (fan).
Jim Young--Chairperson emeritus Margie Lessinger--Treasurer Caryl Bucklin--Treasurer Jeff Appelbaum--Executive Assistant Ken Fletcher--Publications Chuck Holst--Films Larry Nichols--Publicity Frank Stodolka--Party Supplies Beverly Swanson--Registration Dick Tatge--Art Show Gerry Wassenaar--Auction and Bookdealers
Program Book

Here is a PDF of the book and here's a text-only version of the same.
Toggle display of more details
Here are individual page images at a reasonable resolution: cover | pages 2-3 | pages 4-5 | pages 6-7 | pages 8-9 | pages 10-11 | back cover.
Here are the raw scans of the individual pages: cover | pages 2-3 | pages 4-5 | pages 6-7 | pages 8-9 | pages 10-11 | back cover.
Paste-up boards
Long before we found an actual copy of the Minicon 7 program book, we found the original paste-up boards. They are missing only page 9, an advertisement. Here is a PDF of photographs of all the boards.
Here are individual page images. First, the raw photos (converted from JPEG to PNG). These are ordered according to the way the book was put together: Pages 1+12 | Pages 2+11 | Pages 3+10 | Page 4 | Pages 5+8 | Pages 6+7.
Now processed to put the pages in order and cleaned up a little bit: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | [no page 9] | Page 10 | Page 11 | Page 12.
Advance Progress Report

Raw scans: outside, inside (5 MB each), or two-tone: outside, inside (100 kB each)
And here's the full text.
Progress Report 1

We have only the paste-up boards for this progress report. Perhaps some day we will find a printed copy.
NOTE: this progress report looks very similar to the Advance Progress Report. Nevertheless, if you read the text, it seems clear that they were two separate publications.
Full color: outside, inside (4 MB each), or greyscale, lower resolution: outside, inside (0.5 MB each)
This progress report is undated, but the Advance Progress Report says that the first progress report has a deadline of 30 December 1972, so presumably the mailing date was a bit after that.